How can Augemented Reality (AR) be used in education?
In the last decade, augmented reality (AR), which combines digital information with the real
world, has grown tremendously in popularity and usage. Augmented reality has opened up
endless possibilities for education, business, transportation, emergency response, medicine, and
more. How has augmented reality been used in schools or universities?
AR may be defined as an ability to create digital solutions for all sorts of problems in a particular
domain. An excellent example of how this is applied is development of augmented reality
applications, which can be used in libraries and school settings to help students learn new
materials. Such applications can be implemented in a number of ways, including: using handheld
computers in conjunction with the Internet, creating 3D models of things such as text books,
and scanning items and their content to be able to access it later. In its most obvious form, AR
can help people navigate the world around them using tools such as GPS devices and cameramounted
Applications in education can be developed for any number of purposes. One of the most
common uses in education today is creation of digital textbooks, which are more useful than
traditional textbooks in terms of accessibility and cost. However, such development opens up the
field to other forms of digital content, which may not be useful to a student. Since many of these
applications do not require prior knowledge of a specific material, they can benefit students in a
number of ways, ranging from the obvious (imagine how much easier reading for a student who
has never encountered a problem before in reading text) to the less obvious (consider how
much easier it would be to navigate an application that lists hundreds of objects). Additionally,
the wide variety of uses for augmented reality software opens up the possibility for educational
institutions to develop more engaging, hands on applications in a curriculum, offering students
real world applications they can actually touch and feel.
Augmented reality development is a specialized field, and there are many companies and
academic organizations looking for developers. There is also an increasing demand for AR
development in the business realm. In this context, it is important to understand that the concept
of augmented reality goes beyond game development. Rather, it extends to business
development, industrial design, healthcare, education, advertising, supply chain management
and virtualization. AR development professionals are often involved in all of these areas across
Industry experts expect augmented reality applications to impact education in several different
ways. First, it will help teachers present information and images more effectively and more
quickly. This will help teachers present lessons in a more dynamic way, allowing for students to
move through the lesson faster and achieve higher goals.
Secondly, it will allow students to access and use educational materials that were previously only
available to teachers and colleges. The advent of ar learning will likely alter how traditional
classrooms are organized, and students will be able to access new learning materials that were
previously only available to professors and other students. With the help of digital signage,
instructors will also be able to present more than one image at a time to visually consolidate
images and clarify key points. This means that the augmented reality development process will
likely impact how instructors and students gather information and find lessons and help students
gain critical thinking skills.
Finally, it will likely impact how students learn in the classroom. Currently, most education
systems have created apps or eBooks to accompany their coursework. Some colleges even
provide students with study guides, workbooks, and online quizzes, which students can
purchase after class or print out to take home. However, with the availability of ar tools, students
will likely soon be able to perform their own app-based research and study independently, which
will help them better understand the subject matter and prepare for the college coursework.
Augmented reality in education will likely play a big role in the way that teachers impart
knowledge and create lesson plans for the next academic year. It helps students prepare for
professional training, and it also provides them with the technology they need to perform their
own independent learning. With these technologies, instructors will not only be able to present
more than one image at a time to clarify points, but they will also be able to present multiple
images at once to give students a rich visual experience. In the long run, this will help students
better understand how technology is changing the face of learning.